When Times Get Rough, We Gotta Play Ball

I am an adult or so I thought. I hope these photos would make you smile and would make you want to capture funny, priceless, endearing moments. A cheesy cliché but it makes sense when you feel your world is too heavy or harsh. Funny photos bring out the kid in you, would make you remember that life is indeed good. So, cheer up!

I may be overreacting but I am euphoric that I have found a way to cope with stress. In this image, I am playing with my team mate, Celeste. I cannot find the right word more apt to describe this act, but PLAY. In the midst of our UAT, deployment chaos and unreasonable deadlines, stress is not evident in our faces. To appease ourselves, we played the magic ball of fire in my mac.


The ball was so fast and we want to catch it so we can have a good shot. The plan was to catch the ball the moment it landed on the middle of the screen.


And then, it went down. Oh my ball, oh my ball! We both screamed, as if scream is the right word to use. What I am sure of is we were both squealing and giggling. There is  a  happy thump in my heart and this time,  I really felt it.


It seems like the ball does not want to be caught at all. Are we going to give up? A big NO. Even if this just a play, giving up is not in our vocabulary. Look at how my friend gamely posed for these photos. All candid shots, no revisions or Photoshop.


To touch the ball was like heaven to me. Hahaha, what a hyperbole of a moment! Let us talk about capturing awesome moments like these!


Finally, the ball landed to her! She is the winner but there is no contest. This is the first time we did this “thing” and we somehow felt like fools. After all, we are big kids with big responsibilities. I cannot thank her enough for giving in to my childish ways but I am grateful she opted to play with me. What is life without friends? I would rather not know.


If this is not TEAM WORK, I do not know what is!

Note: Thanks to my cool and loving team mate for bearing with me. It is hard to find a team mate who is a nice person on a personal and professional level. My heartfelt thanks, Cel. 🙂

Daily Prompt: Too Soon and Playtime

12 thoughts on “When Times Get Rough, We Gotta Play Ball

    • ~ Hahaha. Happy times with friends can uplift our souls. And she did just that. What are the other stuff you do when you’re stressed out? Thanks for dropping by! 🙂

      • For this reason I created person “Worfoo”. Videos about him help me relax and learn English too.

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