Why I Don’t Believe In Resolutions

First, let’s be clear on what a resolution is. A resolution is firm decision about something that we do not want to do (and vice versa, but mostly the former definition is the most popular). I, for a living example, would be telling myself that I’d never be late again, ever. Did it happen? Was I able to change my situation after that creating that resolution? If you think I was able to change for the better after that, you are wrong. I did not and it has gotten worst after that. I won’t, I will not, I will never, what the ****? What’s the resolution anyway?

Note: In my own context for this post, resolution is referred to as the I-will-not-do-this kind of thing.

Now, what is a goal? A goal is a result that we wanted, the outcome that we expect to happen and for me, it is more realistic because it comes with a deadline. While a goal is hard to achieve and can put pressure to any state that we are in, it pushes us to become better. What is the point of setting something that you want to achieve and then you don’t know when do you want to achieve it? Even if you are telling yourself that you’d get it in a year, it would seem like you are procrastinating and having some excuses. If it does not happen this year, you would tell yourself that you can make it happen next year. See, that is resolution. A resolution is not clearly defined like a goal. That is why New Year’s resolutions never end! We just have to break the resolution cycle!

If a goal is not achieved after the set date, then you’ve got to try again and you must not stop until you reach your goal. In my opinion, it is more achievable that way rather than falling into the trap of resolutions. We are going to say that we won’t do this and that and then after some time, we caught ourselves saying, “Omg, I did it again.” Well, that’s just an opinion but that kind of thinking stops us from being the productive persons that we are. Would you rather have more resolutions than goals? Would you rather believe in the power of I-won’t-do-this than the power of I-will-do-this on this date no matter what? What do you think is more feasible?

I am not saying that creating resolutions is a bad thing. If it worked for you, then proceed and do what applies more to you. From my experience, I’ve been dumbfounded with creating resolutions. I am left with my list never cleared. My resolutions remained as resolutions and I just felt bad about it. If we are feeling bad at some things in general, would it give justice if we just let it go? And so I did. I have let go of the numerous resolutions I have made — those countless resolutions that are put into paper but never put into reality.

Besides, most successful people say that to be able to achieve your dreams, you must achieve your goals first. After all, goals are nearer to dreams compared to resolutions. For evidence, please confirm and consult Mr. Webster. Have a great 2014 everyone!

P.S. We do not need to set many goals at once. Having set little goals that are always achieved is key rather than a bulk of resolutions that are going nowhere. It would not hurt to prepare a bucket list and do what’s in it before you kick your bucket for good! 🙂


It all just came to me

And then it never left

Until it happened.

* Daily Prompt: Brain Wave


My so-called second world

Somehow prepared me

To a life of chaos.

* Daily Prompt: The New School

~ Live Your Own Life

~ Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. – Steve Jobs

Live your own life, go for your dreams and remember that life is too short so please yourself first before other people. They don’t matter unless they are the ones who truly know and love you for who you are. 🙂

When Too Much Work Kills

I feel for this talented lady because her death is not even justified. I feel for her because I understand the pressure she have undergone. For some who do not know, it is a tough job being a writer not to mention the unrealistic deadlines we encounter. I have experienced working for nine to twelve hours straight, break time not included. I felt like a haggard and just like Mita, I felt I have no life. My friends also experienced the same thing for they have worked 24 hours straight. All the more to her, for working 30 hours and for keeping up with the unfeasible timelines.  When do we draw the line and say that enough is enough?!

Her untimely demise is a loss to her company – more so, to her family. We cannot bring back her life. And, even if the employer gives her family a big sum of money, Mita will never be back on earth. My only hope for the future is that all the work martyrs will be lessened and more people would value their health more than their jobs. A job lost can be recovered by having a new job but a life  lost can never ever be recovered. If your boss fires you just because you cannot keep your pace with him and tells you that you are an ineffective worker, consider it a blessing in disguise. Your life is valuable compared to that sick asshole. If you ain’t got a life, now is the chance. Live well. Cheers!

See Mita Diran collapsed and died.

Breakup on Christmas Day

How splendid it was to have a breakup on Christmas Day! How great and surreal the feeling was! That’s how I am feeling right now on a sarcastic level to the nth power. Nothing beats the nostalgic feeling of being away from your family and longing for them while your special someone is so eager to end forever with you. Okay, I understand that to begin with there was no forever. Maybe it was just a course of hallucination in my head. A hopeless, romantic moron that I am who built a perfect world in my own world. Yeah, pathetic is the perfect word to describe me — a foolish, vulnerable pathetic.

With his firm voice, he said that he cannot see forever with me and that I do not listen to him that much. I uttered the word “OK” to emphasize that I understood even though he’s hard to fathom compared to a normal human being. I think we just have a different language of love so we didn’t understood each other. Different wavelengths, different views, different opinions, different everything. Or maybe, it is a form of misunderstanding or miscommunication between us. I understand that boys communicate to each other by conveying information and girls communicate to bond. With us, communication is dead and through his own words, very hard and frustrating. So, when he said that he does not want to work things out, “OK” was all I have to say. Though we explained our sides and sentiments to each other, for him it was better to put an end to what we have started — to which I said I respected his decision.

One week to go and 2013 will bid goodbye. I am with the leaves falling from the trees. I am also with the raindrops falling from the sky and for everything that just comes and goes away naturally. No matter how melancholic this Christmas is, I am happy that for once in my life, I have become vulnerable again. True love must be free and not to be coerced or forced. If it wants to go, let it go. I am hurt and so is he. We are all humans wanting to have freedom within our range. I know I have given him the love and the freedom that he so much wanted. A heartbreak for me yet a wonderful Christmas gift for him.

No regrets, no ill feelings, no hangovers. Just a fresh new start for the coming year. I hope he feels the same way, too.

Our Planet

This is not another Elysium or Mars but a happy planet that is sustainable for everyone. I name it Our Planet. 😀

This photo is not a moon. It is a light in a darkened room which resembles Our Planet.


* Daily Prompt: Interplanet Janet

A Snippet About Life

Life is like a camera. Focus on what’s important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don’t work out, take another shot. – Unknown

If that is the case, I have run out of batteries/films. 😀

Secret Kindness

You thought nobody could help

So I did but

You do not have to know.

* Daily Prompt: Random Act of Kindness

Post for Dec. 20.

The Arch

It may be simple as it seems

But it has a deep impact

Through my veins I have felt

The bond that binds

As it lifts my soul

And touches my spirit.

When I move, it moves with me

Whether I run, walk or crawl.

It bends and bows

And it follows me through.

A blessing indeed

Every time I hold its hand in mine.

Never thought I could have

The arch of friendship

In you I have found.

Today is the day I have met two of my oldest friends whom I haven’t seen in ages. I have felt their loving arches again. 🙂